المدة الزمنية 8:52

How to Make Meghli (Lebanese Rice Pudding) / طريقة تحضير المغلي اللبناني الإمارات العربية المتحدة

21 206 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2020/12/18

* SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH * The Meghli, the Lebanese rice pudding, is a traditional dessert spiced with anise, caraway and cinnamon. It is also topped with nuts and ground coconut. The Meghli is usually prepared in Lebanese households to celebrate the birth of a baby. This delicious dessert is also served during the Christmas holidays. Easy to prepare, it is the best dessert to enjoy this time of the year! DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO GET MY LATEST RECIPES! BON APPÉTIT! طريقة تحضير المغلي اللبناني Duration: 7 minutes for cooking مدة الطهي سبعة دقائق Servings: 8 people تكفي لعدد ثمانية اشخاص Ingredients / المواد: - 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar / كباية وربع سكر عادي - 1 cup rice flour / كباية رز ناعم - 7 cups water (room temperature) / سبعة كبايات ماء بحرارة الغرفة - 2 tbsp caraway powder / ملعقتين طعام كراوية - 1 tbsp cinnamon / ملعقة طعام قرفة - 1 tsp anise powder - coconut ground, almonds (soaked and peeled), walnuts, and pistachios for garnish / للزينة برش جوز الهند -جوز-لوز-فستق حلبي — Connect with An Afternoon with Violette: Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anafternoonwithviolette Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anafternoonwithviolette/ #lebanesedessert #meghli #ricepudding


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